Monday 16 March 2009


Heres mine in metal next to a flower pot.I'm great on scenic stuff.

Here are a few new things and some older ones.The new Conte ACW are really worth checking out but he copied my original idea of the FFL machine gunning Terence Hill from MARCH OR DIE. O well no big prob but Conte got the gun totally wrong.It was a Lewis so buy mine.

The Crescent WW1 and FFL sets are on my wants lists I think these were superb sets much better than Britain's.Who made them?
Not one great thing bout the Legion of Crescent they all have the right battered Kepi; Britains never got that right

1 comment:

  1. The machine gun handed by this legionnaire is a french Chauchat mle 1915.
    It has equipped the US Marines in France during WW1.
    The WW1 Armies in Plastic set, Marines and French have some.
